Internet & Web
Thank You (2024 Edition) | CSS-Tricks
I’ll be honest: writing this post feels like a chore some years. Rounding up and reflecting on what’s happened throughout the year is somewhat obligatory for a site like this, especially when it’s a tradition that goes back as far as 2007. “Hey, look at all the cool things we did!” This year is different….
Bootstrap Card Component: a Complete Introduction — SitePoint
As we can see, the cards are of the same size with some margin between them. Card Columns In earlier versions of Bootstrap, the .card-columns class was used to create a Masonry-like layout where cards were added from top to bottom and left to right. However, in Bootstrap 5, this feature has been removed. To…
The Three Bosses of SEO
While search marketers can get bogged down worrying about high quality content, successful link building strategies, and technically sound sites, when it comes to SEO, we need to take a step back and look at the what and why in order to get results. To that end, Moz’s own Ola King walks you through the three main pillars, or as he…
New Front-End Features For Designers In 2025 — Smashing Magazine
Searching for the most flexible front-end workflows and toolkits, it’s easy to forget how powerful some of the fundamentals on the web have become these days. This post is a journey through new front-end features and what they are capable of. Component-specific styling, styling parents based on their children, relative colors — the web platform…
Threads And The Art Of Short-Form Storytelling: How Brevity Is Winning Hearts
The less a person says to communicate, the better. Shakespeare said “Brevity is the soul of wit.” And in just six words, underlined why brevity impacts communication. I appreciate brevity in all things. Iconic one-liners work for punny slogans, catchy choruses, witty retorts, and more. But think about how true this is for social media….
Beyond RAG: Building a Knowledge Management System That Enhances Rather Than Replaces Thought
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about where Zettelgarden fits into the long history of how humans manage and interact with knowledge. From Socrates worrying that writing would destroy memory, to today’s debates about AI-generated content, we’ve always struggled with how much of our thinking we should outsource to tools. While building Zettelgarden, I’ve had…
Is Sleep’s Dopesmoker still the heaviest album of all time?
Sleep’s Dopesmoker is legendarily heavy. On any halfway decent sound system, it’ll rattle your ribcage. It’s sort of like being slowly assaulted by a massage chair. In 2015, Guitar World named it the heaviest album ever recorded. “You will definitely not find anything heavier,” wrote Ethan Varian. On November 6th, for no reason in particular,…
Beginner Guide to CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction) in 2022
In this CJ Affiliate guide, I will share with you everything you need to get started on the platform, I will give you an in-depth look at the network and how it works. You will learn how to earn money with the platform. If you’re not interested, I’ll share some of the best CJ affiliate…
The best MacBooks: Which model should you get in 2025?
Any time you shop for a new laptop, a lot of people are going to tell you the same thing: Get a MacBook. We don’t blame them. The best MacBooks are fantastic laptops, and while they don’t afford you the freedom of customization that other brands offer, that’s not something everyone will care about. Most…
40 Best New Websites, 2024 | Web Designer Depot
As regular readers will know, each month we roundup the best new designs of the previous 4 weeks. And now, at the end of the year, we’ve selected our 40 favourites from the monthly collections. All the sites chosen stand out in some way, whether that’s through the approach to a design problem, embracing a…