PlushDaemon compromises supply chain of Korean VPN service

PlushDaemon compromises supply chain of Korean VPN service

ESET researchers provide details on a previously undisclosed China-aligned APT group that we track as PlushDaemon and one of its cyberespionage operations: the supply-chain compromise in 2023 of VPN software developed by a South Korean company, where the attackers replaced the legitimate installer with one that also deployed the group’s signature implant that we have named SlowStepper – a feature-rich backdoor with a toolkit of more than 30 components.

Key points of this blogpost:

  • PlushDaemon is a China-aligned threat group, engaged in cyberespionage operations.
  • PlushDaemon’s main initial access vector is hijacking legitimate updates of Chinese applications, but we have also uncovered a supply-chain attack against a South Korean VPN developer.
  • We believe PlushDaemon is the exclusive user of several implants, including SlowStepper for Windows.
  • SlowStepper has a large toolkit composed of around 30 modules, programmed in C++, Python, and Go.


In May 2024, we noticed detections of malicious code in an NSIS installer for Windows that users from South Korea had downloaded from the website of the legitimate VPN software IPany ( see Figure 1), which is developed by a South Korean company. Upon further analysis, we discovered that the installer was deploying both the legitimate software and the backdoor that we’ve named SlowStepper. We contacted the VPN software developer to inform them of the compromise, and the malicious installer was removed from their website.

We attribute this operation to PlushDaemon – a China-aligned threat actor active since at least 2019, engaging in espionage operations against individuals and entities in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, the United States, and New Zealand. PlushDaemon uses a custom backdoor that we track as SlowStepper, and its main initial access technique is to hijack legitimate updates by redirecting traffic to attacker-controlled servers. Additionally, we have observed the group gaining access via vulnerabilities in legitimate web servers.

Figure 1. Page at IPany website from which the malicious installer could be downloaded

The victims appear to have manually downloaded a ZIP archive containing a malicious NSIS installer from the URL https://ipany[.]kr/download/ We found no suspicious code on the download page (shown in Figure 1) to produce targeted downloads, for example by geofencing to specific targeted regions or IP ranges; therefore, we believe that anyone using the IPany VPN might have been a valid target.

Via ESET telemetry, we found that several users attempted to install the trojanized software in the network of a semiconductor company and an unidentified software development company in South Korea. The two oldest cases registered in our telemetry were a victim from Japan in November 2023, and a victim from China in December 2023.

Technical analysis

As illustrated in Figure 2, when the malicious IPanyVPNsetup.exe installer is executed, it creates several directories and deploys both legitimate and malicious files.

Figure 2. Deployment both legitimate and malicious files
Figure 2. Deployment of both legitimate and malicious files

Additionally, the installer establishes persistence for SlowStepper by adding an entry named IPanyVPN to a Run key, with the value %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\svcghost.exe, so that the malicious component svcghost.exe (later extracted and deployed by the loader in EncMgr.pkg) is launched when the operating system starts.

The first malicious component that is loaded by the installer is the AutoMsg.dll loader. Figure 3 illustrates the major steps taken during the execution of this component.

Figure 3. Loading chain initiated when IPanyVPNSetup.exe loads AutoMsg
Figure 3. Loading chain initiated when IPanyVPNSetup.exe loads AutoMsg.dll

When IPanyVPNSetup.exe calls ExitProcess, the patched bytes redirect execution to the shellcode that loads EncMgr.pkg into memory and executes it.

EncMgr.pkg creates two directories – WPSDocuments and WPSManager – in %PUBLIC%\Documents and the deployment begins by extracting components from the custom archives NetNative.pkg and FeatureFlag.pkg. The components are dropped to disk and moved to other locations with new filenames. The sequence and actions taken are as follows:

1. Extracts the files from NetNative.pkg to:

a. %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\assist.dll,

b. %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\msvcr100.dll,

c. %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\PerfWatson.exe, and

d. %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\svcghost.exe.

2. Deletes NetNative.pkg.

3. Moves FeatureFlag.pkg to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Shared\Filters\SystemInfo\winlogin.gif.

4. Moves assist.dll to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Shared\Filters\SystemInfo\Winse.gif.

5. Extracts file from Winse.gif to %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\lregdll.dll.

6. Copies data from BootstrapCache.pkg to %PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\Qmea.dat.

Its last actions are to execute svcghost.exe using the ShellExecute API and then exit.

The svcghost.exe component performs monitoring of the PerfWatson.exe process, where the backdoor is loaded, ensuring that it is always running. If the processes are not running, it executes PerfWatson.exe (originally a legitimate command line utility named regcap.exe, included in Visual Studio), which the attackers abuse to side-load lregdll.dll. The DLL’s goal is to load the SlowStepper backdoor from the winlogin.gif file.

On a new thread, it creates a nameless window that ignores all messages except WM_CLOSE, WM_QUERYENDSESSION, and WM_ENDSESSION. When any of these three messages is received, the thread attempts to establish persistence in the Windows registry, depending on the permissions of the current process; see Table 1.

Table 1. Registry keys targeted for persistence

RequiresRegistry keyEntryValue
AdministratorHKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinlogonUserinitCurrent path of svcghost.exe.
UserHKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windowsload

The SlowStepper backdoor

SlowStepper is a backdoor developed in C++ with extensive use of object-oriented programming in the C&C communications code. Although the code contains hundreds of functions, the particular variant used in the supply-chain compromise of the IPany VPN software appears to be version 0.2.10 Lite, according to the backdoor’s code. The so-called “Lite” version indeed contains fewer features than other previous and newer versions.

The oldest version of the SlowStepper backdoor that we know of is 0.1.7, compiled on 2019-01-31 according to its PE timestamps; the newest one is 0.2.12, compiled on 2024-06-13, and is the full version of the backdoor.

Both the full and Lite versions make use of an array of tools programmed in Python and Go, which include capabilities for extensive collection of data, and spying through recording of audio and videos. The tools were stored in a remote code repository hosted on the Chinese platform GitCode, under the LetMeGo22 account; at the time of writing, the profile was private (Figure 4).

Figure 4. LetMeGo22 account at GitCode
Figure 4. LetMeGo22 account at GitCode

C&C communications

SlowStepper does not carry the C&C IP address in its configuration; instead, it crafts a DNS query to obtain a TXT record for the domain 7051.gsm.360safe[.]company. The query is sent to one of three legitimate, public DNS servers:

  • – Google Public DNS,
  • –, or
  • – Alibaba Public DNS.

We obtained four such records associated with that domain:

  • &%QT%#/zZDmb4ATTVIxwHXPLGrj0FAOV7q+P/sMG109ooj5YLnVZBs3R/eZcuQximtgLkf
  • &%QT%#/zZDmb4ATTVIxwHXPLGrj0FAOV7q+P/sMG109ooj5YKQs3XiHSjM3f+h9ok9XfQ1AjoX+C4UXZsDLVqCDhvxyw==
  • &%QT%#aT1sAjOFTcwzQ7hwc0iyfygP/ooo8pkIRyaNKWcqBz+QRGYBV/2v8HrVg28+aZXhfXvgDxS1vXAuhdcN2dEKxw==
  • &%QT%#aT1sAjOFTcwzQ7hwc0iyfySJBEDM0z6na7BiogG0hDJqdKlUqkrb9ppOjg8epeQ6I6cUXWLKyZGZCkJwFyKD4Q==

The format of the data in the query is shown in Figure 5. The code checks whether the first six bytes of the TXT record match &%QT%# and if so, it extracts the rest of the string, which is a base64-encoded AES-encrypted blob containing an array of 10 IP addresses to be used as C&C servers. The key used for decryption is sQi9&*2Uhy3Fg7se and the IV is Qhsy&7y@bsG9st#g.

Figure 5. DNS TXT record obtained of malicious domains
Figure 5. DNS TXT record obtained of malicious domains

When parsing the decrypted data, the code can extract at least four data identifiers, described in Table 2.

Table 2. Data types processed by the backdoor’s code

Data identifierSize of dataDescription
0x044Data is an IP address.
0x056Data is an IP address and port number.
0x0616Skips the next 16 bytes of data. We suspect that, given the size of the data, it’s possible that it is an IPv6 address.
Data identifier value is the value of the data size.Skips the next (unknown) bytes of data.

One of the IP addresses is chosen and SlowStepper connects to the C&C server via TCP to begin its communication protocol. If, after a number of attempts, it fails to establish a connection to the server, it uses the gethostbyname API on the domain st.360safe[.]company to obtain the IP address mapped to that domain and uses the obtained IP as its fallback C&C server.

Once communication is established, SlowStepper can process the commands listed in Table 3.

Table 3. Basic commands supported by SlowStepper

Command IDAction performed
0x32Collects the following information from the compromised machine and sends it to the server:
· brand of the CPU, using the CPUID instruction,
· HDDs connected to the computer and their serial numbers,
· computer name,
· local host name,
· public IP address, by querying multiple services,
· list of running processes,
· list of installed applications,
· network interface information,
· additional information about the computer’s drives, such as volume name and free space,
· system memory,
· current username,
· persistence type used,
· whether cameras are connected,
· whether microphones are connected,
· whether the operating system is running as a virtual machine,
· system uptime,
· HTTP proxy configuration, and
· whether queries to the DNS server at to resolve the addresses of two legitimate domains, (Kingston) and (360 Qihoo), failed or succeeded. It is unclear to us what the purpose of this information is.
0x38Executes a Python module from its toolkit; the output and any files created by the module are sent to the server. The procedure is very similar to what is used in the shell mode.
0x39Deletes the specified file.
0x3AThis command can process other commands sent by the operator in SlowStepper’s shell mode, which we explain in more detail below. Alternatively, it can also:
· Run a command via cmd.exe and send the output back to the server.
· Run a command via cmd.exe without sending the output to the server.
0x3CUninstalls SlowStepper by removing its persistence mechanism and removing its files.
0x3FLists files in the specified directory, and lists drives.
0x5ADownloads and executes the specified file.

SlowStepper has a rather unusual feature: the developers implemented a custom shell, or command line interface, on top of its communication protocol. While the backdoor accepts and handles commands in the traditional way, the 0x3A command activates the interpretation of operator-written commands (Table 4).

Table 4. Commands supported in shell mode

cdPath to a directory.Checks whether a directory exists.
gcallModule name and other unknown parameter(s).This function can perform two tasks:
· Download a module from the remote code repository and execute it. The module is supposed to be a console application.
· Send a file from the compromised machine to the operator.
pycallTool name to be executed.This command is explained in detail in the Execution of tools via SlowStepper’s pycall shell command section.
restartselfRestarts SlowStepper by rerunning the host process and calling the ExitProcess API.
Returns the message The mode of NSP doesn’t support restart self. when SlowStepper is running in a process via a persistence technique that abuses Winsock namespace providers; however, it is not included in this variant of SlowStepper.
updateN/ADownloads a module from the remote code repository, replacing a previous existing version.
gconfigshowDisplays the value of ServerIP (the C&C IP address).
setChanges the value of ServerIP.
The console suggests the following to the operator:
If you want make the Configuration effective immediately, please command “gconfig reload”.
reloadReloads the configuration.
getnameReturns the name of the current process in which SlowStepper is running.
getdllReturns the name of the SlowStepper DLL in the current process.
getpidReturns the process ID of the current process in which SlowStepper is running.
getsidReturns the Remote Desktop Services session ID of the current process. This suggests that SlowStepper might also be intended to compromise machines running Windows Server.
getpwdDownloads getcode.mod from the remote code repository and executes it using rundll32.exe. The module generates a file, named psf.bin, that contains the collected data.
gcmdqueryCreates a complete report of information about the specified file or directory.
deleteDeletes the specified file, directory, or all files in a directory.
setSets configuration parameters.
terminateTerminates the specified process.
cancelCreates a file with the .delete extension.

Execution of tools via SlowStepper’s pycall shell command

Figure 6 illustrates the execution chain, starting when the operator issues a pycall command to request the execution of a Python module on the compromised machine; here, as an example, the module CollectInfo.

Figure 6. Execution flow of the pycall command
Figure 6. Execution flow of the pycall command

From the remote repository, the pycall command downloads a ZIP archive that contains the Python interpreter and its supporting libraries. One of three possible customized distributions is downloaded, as outlined in Table 5.

Table 5. List of customized Python distributions and the conditions under which they are downloaded

ConditionArchive nameDescription
Windows operating system is XP.winxppy.orgPython 3.4
All required Windows API set (stub) DLLs and the Microsoft C runtime are present.winpy_no_rundll.orgPython 3.7
Neither of the preceding conditions are met.win7py.orgPython 3.7; includes Windows API set (stub) DLLs and the Microsoft C runtime library.

Figure 7 shows the directory structure of the decompressed archive containing the Python distribution, listing only the malicious files that are included within.

Figure 7. Directory structure of the customized Python files
Figure 7. Directory structure of the customized Python distribution and malicious files

SlowStepper runs the Python interpreter using the following command line:

%PUBLIC%\Documents\WPSDocuments\WPSManager\Python\Pythonw.exe -m runas

The module named runas is a custom Python script (Figure 8) that loads another custom Python module named help from which it uses the function named run to decrypt the module and execute it.

Figure 8. Code
Figure 8. Code of

Table 6 lists the modules that we recovered from the remote repository during the time it was available.

Table 6. List of Python modules and their purpose

Filename on diskOriginal module namePurpose
900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72abcTest module that prints hello world.
ef15fd2f45e6bb5ce57587895ba64f93BrowserCollects a wide range of data from web browsers: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Cốc Cốc browser, UC Browser, 360 Browser, and Mozilla Firefox.
967d35e40f3f95b1f538bd248640bf3bCameraIf the computer has a camera connected, it takes photos.
a7ba857c30749bf4ad76c93de945f41bCollectInfoScans the disk for files with extensions .txt, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx.
Collects information from several software titles, including: LetsVPN, Tencent QQ, WeChat, Kingsoft WPS, e2eSoft VCam, KuGou, Oray Sunlogin, and ToDesk.
6002396e8a3e3aa796237f6469eb84f8DecodeDownloads a module from the remote repository and decrypts it.
9348a97af6e8a2f482d5dbee402c8c6fDingTalkCollects a wide range of data from DingTalk (a corporate management tool developed in China), including chat messages, audio, video, contact information, and groups the user has joined.
801ab24683a4a8c433c6eb40c48bcd9dDownloadDownloads (non-malicious) Python packages.
16654b501ac48e4675c9eb0cf2b018f6FileScannerScans the disk for files, using the same code as CollectInfo.
3582f6ebaf9b612940011f98b110b315getOperaCookieGets cookies from the Opera browser.
10ae9fc7d453b0dd525d0edf2ede7961listLists modules with a .py extension.
ce5bf551379459c1c61d2a204061c455LocationObtains the IP address of the computer and the GPS coordinates, using online services.
c84fcb037b480bd25ff9aaaebce5367ePackDirCreates a ZIP archive of the specified file.
4518dc0ae0ff517b428cda94280019faqpassThis script appears to be unfinished.
It obtains and decrypts passwords from Tencent QQ Browser.
Probably replaced by the qqpass module.
5fbf04644f45bb2be1afffe43f5fbb57qqpassObtains and decrypts passwords from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Tencent QQ Browser, 360 Chrome, and UC Browser.
874f5aaef6ec4af83c250ccc212d33ddScreenRecordRecords the screen, saving the result as an AVI file inside a ZIP archive.
c915683f3ec888b8edcc7b06bd1428ecTelegramCollects account information from the Telegram desktop application.
104be797a980bcbd1fa97eeacfd7f161WebpassSimilar to the qqpass module.
e5b152ed6b4609e94678665e9a972cbcWeChatOne of the largest modules, it collects a wide range of data from WeChat.
6d07a4ebf4dff8e5d4fdb61f1844cc12Wechat_all_fileCollects data from WeChat.
8326cef49f458c94817a853674422379Wechat1Similar to WeChat.
72704d83b916fa1f7004e0fdef4b77aeWirelessKeyCollects wireless network information and passwords, and output from the ipconfig /all command.

In addition to the Python toolkit, we found, stored in the remote code repository other tools (Table 7) that are not encrypted; some of these were programmed in C/C++ and others in Go, as noted below.

Table 7. Tools and their function

Tool filenameDescription
agent.modReverse proxy programmed in Go.



Mimikatz. This tool is a DLL downloaded by the getpwd command.
InitPython.modOld downloader to install the customized Python distribution on the compromised machine. This tool is a DLL.
Remote.modRealVNC server that allows the attackers to remotely control the compromised machine. This tool is a DLL.

Reverse proxy programmed in Go.

Signed with a certificate from a Chinese company called Hangzhou Fuyang Qisheng Information Technology Service Department. We were unable to find any information about the company.


Tool used to perform downloads, written in Go.

Signed with a certificate from the Chinese company Zhoushan Xiaowen Software Development Studio. We were unable to find any information about the company.


In this blogpost, we have analyzed a supply-chain attack against a Korean VPN provider, targeting users in East Asia, as evident through the specific software targeted for information collection and confirmed via ESET telemetry. We also documented the SlowStepper backdoor, used exclusively by PlushDaemon. This backdoor is notable for its multistage C&C protocol using DNS, and its ability to download and execute dozens of additional Python modules with espionage capabilities.

The numerous components in the PlushDaemon toolset, and its rich version history, show that, while previously unknown, this China-aligned APT group has been operating diligently to develop a wide array of tools, making it a significant threat to watch for.

For any inquiries about our research published on WeLiveSecurity, please contact us at 
ESET Research offers private APT intelligence reports and data feeds. For any inquiries about this service, visit the ESET Threat Intelligence page.


A comprehensive list of indicators of compromise and samples can be found in our GitHub repository.


A8AE42884A8EDFA17E9D67AE5BEBE7D196C3A7BFAutoMsg.dllWin32/ShellcodeRunner.GZInitial loader DLL.
2DB60F0ADEF14F4AB3573F8309E6FB135F67ED7Dlregdll.dllWin32/Agent.AGUULoader DLL for the SlowStepper backdoor.
846C025F696DA1F6808B9101757C005109F3CF3DOldLJM.dllWin32/Agent.AGXLInstaller DLL, internally named OldLJM.dll. It is extracted from EncMgr.pkg and executed in memory.
AD4F0428FC9290791D550EEDDF171AFF046C4C2Csvcghost.exeWin32/Agent.AGUUProcess monitor component that launches PerfWatson.exe or RuntimeSvc.exe to side-load lregdll.dll.
401571851A7CF71783A4CB902DB81084F0A97F85main.dllWin32/Agent.AEIJDecrypted SlowStepper backdoor component.
068FD2D209C0BBB0C6FC14E88D63F92441163233IPanyVPNsetup.exeWin32/ShellcodeRunner.GZMalicious IPany installer. Contains the SlowStepper implant and the legitimate IPany VPN software.


IPDomainHosting providerFirst seenDetails
202.189.8[.]72reverse.wcsset[.]comShandong eshinton Network Technology Co., Ltd.2024‑10‑14Server used by the (reverse proxy) soc.mod tool.
47.96.17[.]237agt.wcsset[.]comHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2024‑10‑14Server used by agent.mod tool.
N/A7051.gsm.360safe[.]companyN/A2020‑09‑29SlowStepper queries this domain to obtain its associated DNS TXT record.
202.105.1[.]187st.360safe[.]companyIRT-CHINANET-CN2021‑03‑11Fallback C&C server contacted by SlowStepper.
47.74.159[.]166N/AAlibaba (US) Technology Co., Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
8.130.87[.]195N/AHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
47.108.162[.]218N/AHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
47.113.200[.]18N/AHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
47.104.138[.]190N/AGuowei Pan2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
120.24.193[.]58N/AHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
202.189.8[.]87N/AShandong eshinton Network Technology Co., Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
202.189.8[.]69N/AShandong eshinton Network Technology Co., Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
202.189.8[.]193N/AShandong eshinton Network Technology Co., Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.
47.92.6[.]64N/AHangzhou Alibaba Advertising Co.,Ltd.2020‑09‑29SlowStepper C&C server.

MITRE ATT&CK techniques

This table was built using version 16 of the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

Resource DevelopmentT1583.001Acquire Infrastructure: DomainsPlushDaemon has acquired domain names for its C&C infrastructure.
T1583.004Acquire Infrastructure: ServerPlushDaemon has acquired servers to be used as C&C servers.
T1608.001Stage Capabilities: Upload MalwarePlushDaemon has staged its toolkit in the code repository website GitCode.
T1608.002Stage Capabilities: Upload ToolPlushDaemon has staged its toolkit in the code repository website GitCode.
T1588.001Obtain Capabilities: MalwarePlushDaemon has access to SlowStepper.
T1588.002Obtain Capabilities: ToolPlushDaemon tools getcode.mod and getcode64.mod use Mimikatz.
T1588.003Obtain Capabilities: Code Signing CertificatesPlushDaemon tools soc.mod and stoll.mod are signed.
T1588.005Obtain Capabilities: ExploitsPlushDaemon has used an unidentified exploit for Apache HTTP server.
Initial AccessT1659Content InjectionPlushDaemon can intercept network traffic to hijack update protocols and deliver its SlowStepper implant.
T1190Exploit Public-Facing ApplicationPlushDaemon exploited an unidentified vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server.
T1195.002Supply Chain Compromise: Compromise Software Supply ChainPlushDaemon has compromised the supply chain of a VPN developer and replaced the original installer with a trojanized one containing the SlowStepper implant.
ExecutionT1059.003Command-Line Interface: Windows Command ShellSlowStepper uses cmd.exe to execute commands on a compromised machine.
T1059.006Command-Line Interface: PythonSlowStepper for Windows can use the Python console to execute the Python components of its toolkit.
PersistenceT1547.001Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup FolderThe SlowStepper installer establishes persistence by adding an entry in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
T1547.004Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Winlogon Helper DLLThe SlowStepper process monitor component can establish persistence by adding an entry in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Userinit or HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\load.
T1574.002Hijack Execution Flow: DLL Side-LoadingPlushDaemon has abused a legitimate command line utility included in Visual Studio called regcap.exe to side-load a malicious DLL named lregdll.dll.
Defense EvasionT1222.001File Permissions Modification: Windows File and Directory Permissions ModificationSlowStepper modifies the access rights of the directory where its components are stored on disk.
T1070.004Indicator Removal: File DeletionSlowStepper can remove its own files.
T1036.005Masquerading: Match Legitimate Name or LocationSlowStepper uses folder names and filenames from legitimate software.
T1112Modify RegistrySlowStepper can modify the registry.
T1027.007Obfuscated Files or Information: Dynamic API ResolutionSlowStepper dynamically resolves Windows API functions.
T1027.009Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded PayloadsSlowStepper loader DLLs contain embedded, position-independent code, executed in memory, to load components.
T1027.013Obfuscated Files or Information: Encrypted/Encoded FileSlowStepper components are stored encrypted on disk.
T1553.002Subvert Trust Controls: Code SigningPlushDaemon tools soc.mod and stoll.mod are signed.
DiscoveryT1217Browser Bookmark DiscoverySlowStepper’s Browser tool collects information from browsers.
T1083File and Directory DiscoverySlowStepper and its tools can search for files with specific extensions, or enumerate files in directories.
T1120Peripheral Device DiscoverySlowStepper and its toolkit can discover devices connected to the compromised machine.
T1057Process DiscoverySlowStepper can create a list of running processes.
T1012Query RegistrySlowStepper can query the registry.
T1518Software DiscoverySlowStepper can create a list of software installed on the compromised machine.
T1082System Information DiscoverySlowStepper can collect system information.
T1614System Location DiscoverySlowStepper’s Location tool attempts to discover the possible geolocation of the compromised machine by querying several online services.
T1016System Network Configuration DiscoverySlowStepper collects information from the network adapters.
T1016.002System Network Configuration Discovery: Wi-Fi DiscoverySlowStepper’s Wireless tool and its variants collects a wide range of information from the Wi-Fi network.
T1033System Owner/User DiscoverySlowStepper obtains the username.
CollectionT1560.002Archive Collected Data: Archive via LibrarySlowStepper tools can compress the collected data in ZIP archives.
T1123Audio CaptureSlowStepper can capture audio if the compromised machine has a microphone.
T1005Data from Local SystemSlowStepper and its tools collect a wide range of data from the compromised system.
T1074.001Data Staged: Local Data StagingSlowStepper and its tools stage data locally before exfiltrating it to the C&C server.
T1113Screen CaptureSlowStepper’s ScreenRecord tool can take screenshots.
T1125Video CaptureSlowStepper’s Camera tool can record videos if the compromised machine has a camera.
Command and ControlT1071.004Standard Application Layer Protocol: DNSSlowStepper retrieves a DNS TXT record that contains an AES-encrypted list of C&C servers.
T1132.001Data Encoding: Standard EncodingSlowStepper retrieves a DNS TXT record that contains an AES-encrypted list of C&C servers. The record is base64 encoded.
T1573.001Encrypted Channel: Symmetric CryptographySlowStepper’s communication protocol with its C&C is encrypted with AES.
T1008Fallback ChannelsSlowStepper gets a fallback C&C server IP address by resolving an alternative domain controlled by the attackers.
T1105Remote File CopySlowStepper downloads additional tools from a remote code repository at GitCode.
T1104Multi-Stage ChannelsSlowStepper obtains a list of C&C servers by querying the DNS TXT record from a domain controlled by the attackers; if no communication can be established with the servers, it resolves the IP address of another domain controlled by the attackers to obtain a backup server.
SlowStepper tools use different servers from PlushDaemon infrastructure.
T1095Standard Non-Application Layer ProtocolSlowStepper communicates with its C&C via TCP.
T1090Connection ProxySlowStepper tools agent.mod and soc.mod are reverse proxies.
T1219Remote Access ToolsSlowStepper tool Remote.mod allows its operator to remotely control the compromised machine via VNC.
ExfiltrationT1020Automated ExfiltrationSlowStepper can exfiltrate staged data.
T1041Exfiltration Over C2 ChannelSlowStepper exfiltrates collected data when connected to one of its C&C servers.

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