Functional safety in non-automotive BMS designs

Functional safety in non-automotive BMS designs

Battery-powered applications, which have become indispensable over the last decade, require a certain level of protection to ensure safe use. This safety is provided by the battery management system (BMS). The BMS monitors the battery and possible fault conditions, prevents any hazardous situation due to the battery or its surroundings, and ensures that there is an accurate estimation of the battery’s remaining capacity or the level of battery degradation.

The main structure of a BMS for a low- or medium-voltage battery is commonly made up of three ICs, as described below:

  1. Battery monitor and protector: Also known as the analog front-end (AFE), the battery monitor and protector provides the first level of protection since it’s responsible for measuring the battery’s voltages, currents, and temperatures.
  2. Microcontroller unit (MCU): The MCU, which processes the data coming from the battery monitor and protector, commonly incorporates a second level of protection, including monitoring thresholds.
  3. Fuel gauge (FG): The fuel gauge is a separate IC that provides the state-of-charge (SOC), state-of-health (SOH) information and remaining runtime estimates, as well as other user-related battery parameters.

Figure 1 The BMS architecture displays the key three building blocks. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

Figure 1 shows the main structure of a complete BMS for low- or medium-voltage batteries. The fuel gauge can be a standalone IC, or it can be embedded in the MCU. The MCU is the central element of the BMS, taking information from both the AFE and fuel gauge and interfacing with the rest of the system.

While three main components constitute the BMS, using these components without any additional consideration is not enough to ensure that the system meets the safety level required by certain industries. This article will explain the role that functional safety plays in non-automotive battery management systems and how to achieve the required safety level.

Functional safety introduction

Functional safety is a branch of overall safety focused on reducing the risk produced by hazardous events due to a functional failure of an electric/electronic (E/E) system. The goal is to ensure that the residual risk is within an acceptable range.

In recent years, the increasing use of E/E systems in different fields such as automotive, machinery, medicine, industry, and aviation has been accompanied by a greater emphasis on functional safety. These changes have led to the development of different functional safety standards.

ISO 13849, titled “Safety of machinery – Safety related part of control systems”, is a functional safety standard focused on the safety-related parts of control systems (SRP/CS) in the machinery field. This is a field that includes a wide spectrum of applications, from generic industrial machinery to mopeds and e-bikes. ISO 13849 defines different safety levels as performance level (PL), which range from PLa (lower safety level) to PLe (higher safety level).

This safety standard defines an accurate process for risk evaluation and reduction. It proposes a simplified method to determine the achieved PL based on three parameters: category, mean time to dangerous failure (MTTFD), and average diagnostic coverage (DCAVG), which is calculated by averaging all the DC associated to the different safety measures applied in the system.

The category is a classification of an SRP/CS that describes its resistance to faults and the subsequent behavior in the event of a fault condition. There are 5 categories (B, 1, 2, 3, and 4).

Architecture has the biggest impact on the category. The basic architecture of an SRP/CS is composed of three functional blocks: an input, a logic block, and an output (Figure 2). Figure 2 corresponds with the architecture proposed for category B and category 1, and it’s called a “single-channel” architecture. A single-channel architecture is considered the most basic architecture to implement the nominal functionality of the SRP/CS, but it’s not intended for any diagnostic functionality.

Figure 2 The above architecture is proposed for category B and category 1. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

Category B and 1 rely on the reliability of their components (MTTFD) to ensure the integrity of the safety functions. If a component implementing the safety function has a failure, a safe state can no longer be guaranteed, as no diagnostics are implemented (DCAVG = 0).

For category 2, the proposed architecture is called “single-channel tested.” The base of this architecture is the same as the single-channel architecture, but with an added test equipment block that can diagnose whether the functional channel is working correctly. If a component implementing the safety function has a failure, the safety function is not carried out; however, a safe state can be achieved if the failure is diagnosed by the test equipment.

For category 3 and category 4, the proposed architecture is called “redundant channels,” which is implemented with two independent functional channels that can diagnose issues on the other channel. If a component implementing the safety function has a failure, the safety function can still be carried out by the other channel. Designers should select the SRP/CS category based on the targeted safety level of each safety function.

Achieving functional safety step-by-step

The ISO 13849 standard defines an iterative process during which the SRP/CS design is evaluated to determine the achieved PL and check whether that safety level is sufficient or must be improved in a new loop. The process includes three different methods for risk reduction: risk reduction via safe designs measures, risk reduction via safeguarding, and risk reduction via information for use. ISO 13849 supports risk reduction via safeguarding (Figure 3).

Figure 3 ISO 13849 supports risk reduction via safeguarding. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The safeguarding process starts by defining the safety functions of the SRP/CS, in which the required performance level (PLr) is defined after the risk analysis is conducted. The PLr is the target PL of the SRP/CS for each safety function.

The next step includes designing the SRP/CS for the specified safety requirements. This entails considering the possible architecture, the safety measures to implement, and finalizing the design of the SRP/CS to perform the relevant safety functions.

Once the SRP/CS is designed, evaluate the achieved performance level for each safety function. This is the core step of the entire safeguarding process. To evaluate the achieved PL, define the category and then calculate the MTTFD and DCAVG of the SRP/CS for each individual safety function.

The MTTFD is calculated per channel, and it has three levels (Table 1).

Table 1 MTTFD, calculated per channel, has three levels. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

Table 2 shows the four levels for defining the DC of each diagnostic measure.

Table 2 There are four levels for defining the DC of each diagnostic measure. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The achievable PL can be determined using the relevant parameters (Table 3).

Table 3 Relevant parameters help determine the achievable PL. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The achievable PL can only be confirmed when the remaining requirements and analyses defined by the standard are implemented in the design. These requirements must comply with systematic failures management, common cause failure (CCF) analysis, safety principles and software development, if applicable.

Once this process is complete, the PL achieved by the SRP/CS for a concrete safety function should be verified against the PLr. If PL < PLr, then the SRP/CS should be redesigned, and the PL evaluation process must begin again. If PL ≥ PLr, then the SRP/CS has achieved the required safety level, and validation must be executed to ensure the correct behavior through testing. If there is an unexpected behavior, the SRP/CS should be redesigned. This process should be reiterated for each safety function.

Functional safety level according to each market

Battery-powered devices are used in countless markets, and each market demands different functional safety specifications according to how dangerous a failure could be for humans and/or the environment. Table 4 shows the functional safety level required by some of the main markets. Note that these levels are constantly changing and may be different depending on each engineering team’s design.

Table 4 This is how PL is determined based on market. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

Although these are the current performance level market expectations, electromobility and certain energy storage applications may move into PLd due to the constant issues in battery-powered devices around the world. For example, faulty energy storge applications have resulted in fires in U.S. energy storage system (ESS) facilities. In U.K., more than 190 persons have been injured, and eight persons have been killed by fires sparked by faulty e-bikes and e-scooters.

All these events could have been prevented by a more robust and reliable system. The constant need for increasing safety levels means it is vital to have a scalable solution that can be implemented across different performance levels.

A functional safety design proposal

Take the case of an ISO 13849-based BMS concept that Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) has developed by combining an MCU with its MP279x family of battery monitors and protectors. This system is oriented to achieve up to PLc safety level for a certain set of safety functions (SFs), as shown in Table 5. PLr determination is dependent on the risk analysis, in which small variations can take place, as well as the application in which the BMS is used.

Table 5 See the defined safety functions for the BMS concept. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The solution proposed by MPS to achieve PLc can meet category 2 or category 3—depending on each safety function—as for certain safety functions. There is only a single input block and for others, there are redundant input blocks.

Figure 4 shows how to implement SF2 and SF4 to prevent the battery pack from over-charging and under-charging. In the implementation of the SRP/CS, there are two logic blocks: the battery monitor and protector (logic 1) and the MCU (logic 2). These logic blocks are used to diagnose correct functionality of different parts in the design.

Figure 4 Here is how to implement SF2 and SF4. Source: Monolithic Power Systems

The implementation of single or duplicated input is determined by the complexity and cost in each case. To ensure that the safety functions for a single input are compliant with PLc, additional safety measures can be taken to increase the diagnostic capability; an example is a cell voltage plausibility check to verify that the cell voltage measurements are correct.

Functional safety used to be relevant for automotive products, but nowadays most modern markets demand the manufacturer to comply with a functional safety standard. The best-known safety standard for non-automotive markets is ISO 13849, a system-level standard that ensures an application’s safety and robustness.

Miguel Angel Sanchez is applications engineer at Monolithic Power Systems.

Diego Quintana is functional safety engineer at Monolithic Power Systems.

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